Camping > UK > Somerset > Bristol
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No. of pitches:29From Bristol city centre take A38 South, Direction of Taunton and Bristol International Airport,(The park is 3 miles South on A38 after Airport), pass Darlington Arms on right going down hill, We are based on the left hand side at the bottom of the hill directly off the main road. The park is well signposted in various locations along the main road with the brown international camping signs.
The nearest train station is in the small town of Yatton which is 4.5 miles East from the park.
Directions from station to park:Turn right out of station towards centre of Yatton, follow and stay the road,take 1st turning left after Cadbury House Hotel,follow road to end cross main road(A370)taking road to Wrington,in Wrington Village take left immediately after petrol station, stay on road, 1st left after sports ground and follow lane untill A38, go left on main road and the park is 150m´s on right hand side.
Directions from bus station: Bristol bus station is the nearest-buses run to Redhill and Wrington are Nº´s - 121,120,122,821, from Redhill leave bus at Church road Redhill return to main road (A38)go down hill past The Darlington Arms Pub and park is at bottom of hill on left hand side. From Wrington see directions from train station.
Temp: 1-7°C
Wind Speed: 21Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE
Temp: -2-9°C
Wind Speed: 21Km/h
Wind Dir: NE
Temp: 3-10°C
Wind Speed: 27Km/h
Wind Dir: ENE
Temp: 2-11°C
Wind Speed: 24Km/h
Wind Dir: E
Temp: 4-15°C
Wind Speed: 20Km/h
Wind Dir: SE
Temp: 8-15°C
Wind Speed: 25Km/h
Wind Dir: ESE
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