Camping > UK > North Yorkshire > Boroughbridge
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Temp: 1-8°C
Wind Speed: 22Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE
Temp: --9°C
Wind Speed: 13Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE
Temp: 1-10°C
Wind Speed: 23Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE
Temp: 3-9°C
Wind Speed: 25Km/h
Wind Dir: E
Temp: -1-10°C
Wind Speed: 21Km/h
Wind Dir: ESE
Temp: -1-15°C
Wind Speed: 12Km/h
Wind Dir: SSW
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Camping & Caravanning Club Site
This is an excellent site.spotless facilities,games room with poole table,free table tennis.It even has a tv and books to read.The village of rocliffe is closeby which has very good takeaway food outlets,supermarket etc.Also there is a local Tesco supermarket less than a couple of miles away.This camping and caravanning clubsite is ran by very friendly and helful staff.
jack 2004-06-22
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