Camping > UK > Lancashire > Preston
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Temp: 2-9°C
Wind Speed: 25Km/h
Wind Dir: N
Temp: 1-7°C
Wind Speed: 18Km/h
Wind Dir: N
Temp: 2-9°C
Wind Speed: 16Km/h
Wind Dir: NE
Temp: 1-10°C
Wind Speed: 12Km/h
Wind Dir: ENE
Temp: 1-11°C
Wind Speed: 11Km/h
Wind Dir: E
Temp: 1-10°C
Wind Speed: 10Km/h
Wind Dir: SE
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Royal Umpire Caravan Park
Excellent site. One of the cleanest we have visited. The toilet blocks are centrally heated, beautifully clean and to a very high standard.This is the area from which I judge sites! There is a Fort for the children to play on, open air chess,lovely dog walks,gardens and two pubs across the road. There is also amobile Fish and Chip shop! An excellent site for visiting Lancashire.
jan 2004-08-16
Royal Umpire Caravan Park
I've got to say, its a very good site. Shop on site, 1 big toilet block, washing up facilities, arcade room, playground. The site is well maintained and is very tidy. id recommend it to anyone!
Stuart Taylor 2004-06-08
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