Camping > UK > Highland > Fort William
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Temp: 1-8°C
Wind Speed: 7Km/h
Wind Dir: NNW
Temp: 2-10°C
Wind Speed: 6Km/h
Wind Dir: ENE
Temp: 3-11°C
Wind Speed: 7Km/h
Wind Dir: SE
Temp: 1-10°C
Wind Speed: 7Km/h
Wind Dir: ESE
Temp: 1-10°C
Wind Speed: 5Km/h
Wind Dir: E
Temp: 3-14°C
Wind Speed: 7Km/h
Wind Dir: E
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Glen Nevis Caravan & Camping Park
The camping areas are 'hedge' protected and level. Facilities are well up to standard and the bonus of the site is to view the climb and crest of Ben Nevis and to watch more active peeps climbing as you raise a glass to them. Convenient for the food outlets at Fort William and has a good class restaurant adjacent to site.
Eddie 2004-06-22
Glen Nevis Caravan & Camping Park
A beautiful well kept site. It has a well stocked shop that also sells a little camping equipment. The toilets and showers are also beautifully well kept and clean, there is even quiet music played in these areas. The only problem we had were the midges which bit us all till we were covered with red blotches.
Shaz 2004-06-08
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