Camping > UK > Dorset > Wareham
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Temp: 2-6°C
Wind Speed: 24Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE
Temp: 1-8°C
Wind Speed: 16Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE
Temp: 1-8°C
Wind Speed: 27Km/h
Wind Dir: NE
Temp: 1-9°C
Wind Speed: 27Km/h
Wind Dir: NE
Temp: 1-10°C
Wind Speed: 21Km/h
Wind Dir: E
Temp: 4-9°C
Wind Speed: 23Km/h
Wind Dir: E
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Luckford Wood Camping Park
Do not visit this camp site!
When I visited over the Jubilee Bank Holiday the field was overcrowded, there were no fire points, there is no schedule of prices, the amount charged appears to be based on what the owner thinks he can get from you. The owner asked me to make my payment cheque payable to him, not the park.
Facilities are appalling - a very ancient portakabin with leaking toilets with no locks on the door.
Rob 2004-06-08
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