Camping > UK > Derbyshire > Ashbourne
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Temp: -1-6°C
Wind Speed: 26Km/h
Wind Dir: N
Temp: 1-7°C
Wind Speed: 21Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE
Temp: -1-7°C
Wind Speed: 20Km/h
Wind Dir: NE
Temp: -1-7°C
Wind Speed: 20Km/h
Wind Dir: ENE
Temp: 3-7°C
Wind Speed: 24Km/h
Wind Dir: ENE
Temp: 2-10°C
Wind Speed: 29Km/h
Wind Dir: ESE
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Gateway Park
Large site with Bar and Function room, shower block primative but clean. Shower blocks are either male or female with no family shower rooms so families with small children will struggle as we did.
No real views from the site and the field is close to the main A52 so there is some road noise at night.
Noisy site at night due to the bar and function room, and so would suite families with older children better than with younger children.
Phil 2004-08-05
Gateway Park
Nice campsite well equipped for both children and adults. A small shop that sells basics.
Clean shower and toliet area, Good laundry and pot washing rooms.
Family bar and pub with live performers and you can hire the room for partys ect.
We have been more than once so it must be ok.
jeb 2004-05-28
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