Camping > UK > Cumbria > Ambleside

Chapel Stile Campsite, Ambleside

Chapel Stile Campsite
Bayesbrown Farm
Great Langdale
LA22 9JZ
Tel:01539 437300
No email address available
Lat/Long:54.436001N -3.06
Camping site owner: Please update your listing

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Chapel Stile Campsite Weather Forecast

Wed 12th
Rain And Snow
Rain And Snow

Temp: 1-6°C
Wind Speed: 21Km/h
Wind Dir: N

Thu 13th
Light Rain
Light Rain

Temp: -1-6°C
Wind Speed: 18Km/h
Wind Dir: N

Fri 14th
Light Rain
Light Rain

Temp: 2-7°C
Wind Speed: 15Km/h
Wind Dir: NE

Sat 15th
Few Clouds
Few Clouds

Temp: 1-8°C
Wind Speed: 12Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE

Sun 16th
Sky Is Clear
Sky Is Clear

Temp: 1-9°C
Wind Speed: 6Km/h
Wind Dir: N

Mon 17th
Sky Is Clear
Sky Is Clear

Temp: 1-8°C
Wind Speed: 12Km/h
Wind Dir: SSW

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Chapel Stile Campsite Reviews

Chapel Stile Campsite 5/5 5 stars

Big site at Chapel Stile, Langdale. 3 main fields, the 2 smaller ones are near the toilet block, the larger field is 2 minutes away and this field can get boggy if it rains. The new toilet block is really excellent (clean and lots of loo roll) and if the toilets are busy you can still use the old ones next door. Showers are free but just a bit weak. Great pub with great grub (Wainwrights) just around the corner. Short drive or long walk to Greater Langdale, where there are possibly the best walks in the Lake District and 3 great pubs. The famous ODG (Old Dungeon Ghyll), The new DG and best of the bunch The Stickle Barn.

Dick W 2006-09-18

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