Camping > UK > Cornwall > Penzance
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Temp: 9-12°C
Wind Speed: 42Km/h
Wind Dir: E
Temp: 10-12°C
Wind Speed: 34Km/h
Wind Dir: E
Temp: 8-11°C
Wind Speed: 33Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE
Temp: 5-8°C
Wind Speed: 33Km/h
Wind Dir: ENE
Temp: 5-8°C
Wind Speed: 37Km/h
Wind Dir: NE
Temp: 5-9°C
Wind Speed: 39Km/h
Wind Dir: NE
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Camping and Caravanning Club Site
Another excellent C&CC site. Handy for Sennan Cove and also for Lands End which is grim. I had a mixed party of Europeans staying with me and they were shocked that we could allow Lands End to become like it is.
This site is also very near to The Aerodrome for the Scilly Isles-No it is not noisy! Good for a day trip.
The site is very windswept because it seems to be exposed to the full force of the prevailing wind. Pitch tents accordingly.
happybonzo 2004-06-22
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