Camping > Spain > Alicante > Moraira

Camping Moraira, Moraira

Camping Moraira
"Ctra.Moraira-Calpe, Km.1,3"
3724 Moraira
Tel:+34 965745249
No email address available
Lat/Long:38.683086N 0.122328
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Camping Moraira Weather Forecast

Sat 15th
Light Rain
Light Rain

Temp: 10-16°C
Wind Speed: 27Km/h
Wind Dir: N

Sun 16th
Light Rain
Light Rain

Temp: 12-16°C
Wind Speed: 20Km/h
Wind Dir: WSW

Mon 17th
Moderate Rain
Moderate Rain

Temp: 12-15°C
Wind Speed: 26Km/h
Wind Dir: N

Tue 18th
Light Rain
Light Rain

Temp: 12-16°C
Wind Speed: 20Km/h
Wind Dir: NNW

Wed 19th
Scattered Clouds
Scattered Clouds

Temp: 14-17°C
Wind Speed: 17Km/h
Wind Dir: NNE

Thu 20th
Overcast Clouds
Overcast Clouds

Temp: 15-18°C
Wind Speed: 48Km/h
Wind Dir: SW

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Camping Moraira Reviews

Camping Moraira

We stayed there in May 2002. The toilets and showers were ok,but could have been better, Out door swimming pool was excellen. The pitches are on different levels and could be difficult for large outfits.The town and harbour are a 15 min. walk and well worth a visit. It also has a lovely marina.

Pauline 2004-06-22

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